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Welcome to the Knights of Columbus, William J. Sheady Council 1507

Charity, Unity, Fraternity

Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate & Holy Rosary Parish
Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Who are the Knights of Columbus?

The Knights of Columbus are stalwarts of the community and are dedicated to the church, family and community.

What else do the Knights do?

Since its inception, the Knights have always looked out for one another, and offer one of the most respected and stable insurance programs in the world. Among the cost effective offerings available are disability insurance and wide ranging investments.

What can the Knights offer me?

We are an international, fraternal organization that wholeheartedly involves itself in charitable causes.

What do I need to join?

You need only three things to become a Knight of Columbus:


1. Be a practising Catholic gentleman

2. Be 18 years of age or older

3. Be willing to serve your fellow man


We invite all those who are interested to join us on our Facebook page where you can follow along with the work the 1507 Knights are doing while keeping up to date with Parish and Diocesan news.


Council 1507 has resumed all regularly scheduled meetings. They will be conducted virtually.


The Youtube page Music at the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate has online streaming of Mass during COVID-19 and wonderful music from the talented parishioners at our church.

Find Us

28 Norfolk Street, Guelph, ON

Canada, N1H 4H8

Tel: 519.824.3951

Email: gk1507 *at* ontariokofc *dot* org


Reach US

To get in touch with Council 1507 of the Knights of Columbus, contact us by clicking here.

© 2020 Council 1507, Knights of Columbus. 

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