The story of the who the Knights of Columbus William J. Sheady Council 1507 came to be is storied and inspiring. Here are few of the milestones that brought us to where we are today.
October 10 - Guelph chapter of the Knights of Columbus receives its official charter from Supreme Council in New Haven, Connecticut.
August 18 - The Guelph Knights of Columbus Building Association Limited is formed.
October 21 - Patent letters of incorporation are granted.
February 16 - Due to increased membership (303), the decision is taken to purchase a City of Guelph property at Waterloo and Dublin known as the Great War Veterans Hall (later the Canadian Legion Building) for $3,500. The Council would stay there for the next 40 years.
September 15 - Decision was taken to adopt the name William J. Sheady, Council #1507. Who was William J. Sheady?
The Supreme Council in New Haven decreed all Church parishes should have their own individual councils. To that end, councils were started for the St. Joseph's Parish (Monsignor Hawkins Council #10631) on May 1, 1991 and St John's Parish (disbanded and absorbed into Council 10631). The William J. Sheady Council 1507 still serves to this day the parishes of Holy Rosary and the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate.
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